
So much has happened between you and I. I don't even know where to start. I want to start from the beginning but I don't remember that far back. I want to tell you everything but I want to protect you. It's silly I know. We've never kept things from each other. Ok, I have but I always assumed you knew either way. Where should I start though? From the early memories or from the most recent? I really don't know, but I cherish all of them.
People other than you are going to read this. I hope you get to it first though. Oh, and some girls are going to assume that this is about them. They're so lost, it's not. I remember you warned me about them. I should have listened. I hate to admit it but, you were right. I'm really trying though. We never explicitly spoke about this but I think maybe now you should know. With every girl I meet I look for a little you in her. I guess it's because I love and miss you so much.
Ooooh, maybe I should have started off like that. I love you.
No one will be more perfect in my eyes. They can try. God knows they've tried but they'll always be second best. Remember that time when I was at school and things got so bad I legit wanted to give up? Hahahaha! Your words got me back on the right track! Over text even! You are so awesome!!! Rephrase, you are everything.
You are everything!
Had to say it again. I wish I could say it more often. I don't. I'm sorry for that. All that I am now is because of you. All the good at least. “I know you love me too much to not see the bad in me.” That's what I'd say if I was trying to achieve some sort of cliché effect. The truth is you love me enough to see the bad in me. It wouldn't be love if that facet didn't exist. These other girls haven't realized that yet. Maybe they have and I've been blind to it but it's not the same as when you express it. It never will. We both know that. I told you already...
You are everything!
My everything. Yoh, I legit miss you!!! Who makes you eggs in the morning now that I'm not around? Like me? Nobody!!! I know how you like your eggs, you know it. I never burn them, never let them get too crispy oh and I always know the right amount of salt to put in them. I'm not going to say how much here because one of THEM will try and replace me. I was here first and I've been here the longest.
I don't understand somethings though like, you desreve so much more!!! I hope you can wait a little longer. I will get you those things. Me. For you. Not because I owe you one, nah. Because I love you. Remember?
I want to be so much better for you. I'm really trying. See this thing you're reading this on? FML? Yeah Tapiwa and I made it. From scratch. I know because you're you and because you love me you'll think it's more than enough. It's not enough. Honestly, I'm only just getting started. There's going to be so much more!!!
I've heard you tell your friends how proud of me you are. I can't express fully how that made me feel. I mean, I'm 23, unemployed, still degree-less and I have that tattoo on my neck. Secretly I know you think it's cool too :) Hahaha!!! Somehow with all of that you remain proud of me.
You deserve everything!
All of me is because of you. Nobody in this world has more conviction than you. I don't think you understand the concept of giving up. If you do, you've never shown that to me. You are the epitome of the phrase “where there's a will there's a way.” It should be, “where there's a will, there's you.” Everytime we were faced with a brick wall you broke it down with your conviction. If the wall wouldn't fall, we'd walk around or climb up it. Always moving forward with and in faith.
Yassis woman, you are perfect!!!
You taught me to be strong. To endure. To persevere. To pray. When I didn't want to read that Harry Potter book, you read it for me first. When I didn't want to go to Tennis anymore you shouted at the coach and got him to get me back in the court. Hahahaha!!! Oh and when I was playing on the radio the first time you called me into your room just in time for my verse! Ha! Like, you even had the very first track I made! *Khaya!* Hahahaha!!!
Why are you so awesome? Why? Why are you so beautiful? How are you strong? How can you be all of this and kind and loving and caring and smart? Njani?
I told you other people are going to read this. They're going to think it's about them. It's not. It's for you. Everyday should be dedicated to you. You and all the women somewhat like you. Everyday.
This page is for you. Today and for all the other days FML remains live. When you forget it I'll send you a link to this page again.
As far as mother's day gifts go, perhaps this is the most unconventional.
But that's how you raised me. :)
Happy Mommy's Day mama! Love you eternally!
Sometimes (Thx Contributor)